The Mid Twenties

Blog posts

About to enter the ‘mid’ territory.  Soon to be no longer 23.  No longer within the security blanket of the ‘early 20s’.  Officially within the ‘mid’ territory.   

24.  My mother was married.  My parents owned a house.  Thomas Edison had already changed the universe by inventing the light bulb.  Mozart, already premiered an opera and was an international success.  Leonardo DiCaprio, was well and truly breaking into the film industry.  Lleyton Hewitt had already made 24 careers titles…

And here I am about to officially enter my mid-twenties, fumbling (slightly less) through each day of my eclectic range of commitments, which I guess we call life.  

Sure I know many nuances about the human body, can translate spoken Greek to English, I can perform a head-stand for an abnormally long time, I can even knit you a (holey) scarf, and don’t forget make a mean batch of refried beans!  But I know little about the things that really matter.  I am terrible at expressing my emotions and asking for what I want.  I know o-so-little about meaningful, non-toxic, relationships.  I know zero about what my true vocation may be.  Sure I have passion, by the truck-load, but what am I truly passionate about?  I find it hard to exercise my right to say ‘no’ – which often leads to situations that I find mediocre.   I still have not mastered how to make myself vulnerable… Perhaps this is why I know so little about the things that matter most.

Whilst the mere age of 24, at this very moment in my life, seems a means to an end *insert dramatic woe here* – instead I can (and should) view it as the beginning of a long, fruitful, windey road.  Growth is challenging and takes initiative and guts and plenty of oomph… and at the lush age of (almost) 24 I can safely say I’ve got all those things in vast quantities! 

One day I’ll invent my very own light-bulb and shine bright, just not yet at (soon to be) 24.